Galaxy S 2 I9101: Specs-Wise Same to I9100, but adds NFC Chip!

You might still be waiting for the Galaxy S 2 to launch in your home country but guess what, there is another version of S2 that we’ve just spotted. No it’s not the white colored twin, it’s actually a different phone with the new code no. I9101 — mind you, Galaxy S 2’s code is I9100 — but don’t hold your breadth for any spectacular changes in specs. Officially, no word is available but within in the guessing game, it’s being said that it sports NFC Chip which are absent from the Galaxy S II being sold worldwide. The I9101 device, as it seems to us, will be called Galaxy S II only and is expected to be targeted to Samsung Fans in Thailand.

So, that said, there are chances that the S2 might be launched with NFC Chips inside in countries where it is yet to hit and Samsung officials permitting, we might see S2 sold worldwide equipped with NFC chips. Ah, about that 8.5 mm thickness of SGS2, we guess the with-NFC-chip version would find it hard to maintain that, but we’ll see!

You’ll be happy to know by the way that it’s not an SuperLCD phone that we’re expecting Samsung to launch with some below-than-I9100 specs to satisfy the excess demand in some countries — as was the case with I9003 SuperLCD Galaxy S phone. If you’re confused with all this coding, don’t blame us, we’re just trying to be on the par with what Samsung throws in!

Via GSM Arena

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: