Google releases standalone Google Docs and Sheets apps for Android

Google is releasing standalone apps for Google Docs, Sheets and Slides for Android and iOS together.

The Google Docs and Sheets apps are available to download and install from Play Store today, but the Google slides app will be released at some point later (we don’t know when, but it should be soon).

The Google Docs and Slides apps offer creating, viewing and editing of files which wasn’t necessarily required since all this was packed within the Google drive app as well. Their are no changes in UI or usage either, you edit the files in same way as you do with the Google Drive app.

Only guess we could make is this move was taken to make it easier for users to organize and quickly access their files on Google drive. Microsoft has standalone apps for all its Windows office tools and it only proved helpful for all the years we’ve been using them.

Google Docs and Sheets

If you need to work just on Sheets than downloading only the Sheets app sounds a better option than using the Google drive app for the same purpose.


Google Docs apk → download link  |  Play store link

Google Sheets apk → download link  |  Play store link

For help on installing .apk files, check out our guide on → How to install APK files on Android

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: