LG Optimus 2X Wallpapers, Live Wallpapers and Call and Notification Tones

LG Optimus 2X Live Wallpapers Download

LG Optimus 2X wallpapers and Ringtones have leaked on the Internet and if you like the screen shots below or have a craze of what LG is offering with its latest beastly phone, download them right now.

LG started the Year 2011 with a bang, launching the world’s first dual-core processor phone, the LG Optimus 2X, powered by nVidia’s Tegra 2 processor and is still hit US soil. Optimus 2X is currently available only in Korea while UK stores might get it on March 21.

We can’t get you Optimus 2X any earlier but there is some goodness of the phone we can get you right here for your current android phone — Optimus 2X wallpapers (live and static) and ringtones. Yep!

If you’re wondering ‘how’, then it’s because there are always some restless soul who keep working to get every phone’s goodness ported to other phones, and Optimus 2X is no exception. This one is brought by GHOST99K.

Download the live wallpaper (given in apk format) and transfer the files to your phone. To install, simply tap on the file to let the install procedure begin. The File Expert android app we covered recently should come handy to browse through the contents.

Optimus 2X Live Wallpapers (should run on all android 2.1 and higher devices):

LG Optimus 2X Wallpapers LG Optimus 2X Wallpapers Download

Download Optimus 2X Wallpapers (23 images) here and Ringtones (and notification tones) here. Wallpapers and ringtones are in zip file format, so extract them on PC and then transfer to your phone’s sd card.

Via Droid-Life

Source: XDA

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com