Download Hydrogen OS Launcher APK for all Android devices [PORT]

If OnePlus One wasn’t enough Flagship killer at launch, the recent dispute between Cyanogen Inc. and OnePlus has resulted in major software enhancements for the device. The OnePlus One now has official support for 3 Operating Systems based on Lollipop and they’re far more prettier than any other Flagship on the market, be it 2014 or 2015.

OnePlus developed its own Oxygen OS for the OnePlus One for India and some more regions, and Hydrogen OS for China, while some regions still enjoy official Cyanogen OS support. But you know what? You can use any of these OSs on the One irrespective of your region.

Anyway, Hydrogen OS is the most unique of the lot and so is its default launcher. It’s stylish yet minimal. We say you must try it (apk available below).

Thanks to GalaxyUser over at XDA for bringing us a working port of the Hydrogen OS launcher that works for almost all Android devices running on Lollipop. We don’t have a KitKat device in hand right now to test/verify compatibility, but we guess it won’t work there. Let us know, though, if you get it to run on KitKat.

Grab the Hydrogen OS Launcher APK from the download link below and install it normally like you’d install any other APK file on your Android device.

[icon name=”download” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Download Hydrogen OS Launcher APK [Port v0.3]

via xda

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Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email:


  1. […] 3 Operating Systems based on Lollipop and they’re far more prettier than any other Flagship on theMARKET, be it 2014 or […]

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