Create Strong and Easy to Remember Passwords with Passie Android app

Thinking of a strong password isn’t a big deal but remembering a strong password surely is one. But Passie is here to help.

Developed by PeaJay, Passie Android app let’s you create passwords that are easy to remember but are long and very strong. The app uses human language algorithms that allow more than quadragintillion (a 1 with 40 zeros after it) unique passwords and passphrases to be created and modified.

Passie allows you to create strong passwords in the following three ways:

  • Passhrase: A sequence of random words that are easy to remember. A PassKey (acronym) for your Passphrase can be used to make your Passphrase even easier to remember.
    └ Example: Passkey TREE will generate a password like TroubleReadEightEgg.
  • Pronounceable Passphrase: A passphrase that uses human language algorithms to produce a sequence of pronounceable words to be used as a Passphrase.
    â”” Examples: SadlyPushInsect, StronglyHateSurface, WinDirtyNightLight.
  • Random password: Generates a random password based on random characters.
    └ Example: 9-Grgu1o[b3p?e9y

[icon name=”download” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Download Passie (Play store)

We think Passie is a great way to create string yet memorable passwords. What do you say?

Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: