There are many wallpaper apps in the android market but this one still manages to catch our attention and deserves yours too. Named as the Coveroid Wallpapers [Beta], the app targets your phone’s screen with — as climed by the developers — a collection of “high quality” wallpapers.
The app’s been developed by the same hands which brought the famous Mabilo Wallpapers app. Though both apps offer wallpapers only, we aren’t really bothered as long as they are free and yes, the resource base of the app is different since both are fuelled by their respective websites, which in this case is
Let’s take a view on the features:-
- Setting Wallpapers requires just One Click — No need to resize the pics as you do when setting wallpapers from the Galery. The app does it automatically
- Browse through categories of your choice or hit the randomize button if you prefer luck or simply want the app to shock you with its choice of wallpapers
- 4 pics are displayed at a time, hit the next tab to get more or previous tab to go back. The surfing is button based, meaning no swipe available, but you won’t miss it either
- The “My Downloads” section gets you a list of stuff you’ve already downloaded and is saved on your SD Card.
- To store a pic on your phone’s SD Card, hit the Save button on the pic’s page. If you select the “Set Wallpaper” it will be set as wallpaper directly without the app saving it first on SD Card. Kind of weird, we expected it to always save first.
- Also lets you share a pic – just hit the Share tab on the pic’s page. As usual, a list of installed apps on your phone that allow sharing will pop up.
- The app mentions around 5121 wallpapers within 61 categories available – at the time this article was written. Don’t be surprised if the number of wallpapers shoots above in tens of thousands in a matter of weeks. Or months, who knows!
- Oh, last one, prefer WiFi when using this app — the wallpaper stuff does needs a high speed connection or you’ll be bored by the time you set your first wallpaper or even may bot be able to go that far.
The Coveroid Wallpapers [Beta] android app will download you fav pics to a folder on SD Card, /sdcard/coveroid/.
If you prefer to download the wallpapers directly on your PC, visit the You know what to do next — download pics, transfer them to your phone’s SD Card and set wallpapers using gallery app or any other app. It seems the idea using the app itself wins, no?
To download the Coveroid Wallpapers [Beta], scan the QR Code below or simply hit the download link below. It’s FREE and the current version 1.0 works for all android devices — we tested it out on Samsung Galaxy S.
Let us know what you think of the app. Were you totally impressed by the collection and the app’s UI? Or it simply left things desired? What features would you like to see in such wallpapers setting apps, hmm?