Clipper Android App: Automatically Saves Everything You Copy To Your Clipboard For Later Use

Clipboard Android App

Clipper is a sort of app which you can’t quit once you start using it. It is a clever app that runs as a background service in your phone to automatically save every new clip you add to your phone’s clipboard, so that you can use them later.

The app is very handy at times when you want to copy a couple of things from a webpage without leaving the page because with Clipper you just need to select the text and copy it, then the app saves it for later use. By default the app’s icon stays in the notification bar for quick access to your clippings, but however if you like your notification bar clean, then you can change it through settings to show icon only “On new clipping” or to “Never” show it.

In a recent update to this app, the developer introduced one other very useful feature, Snippets. In snippets you can have your own custom text that you use frequently, so that you always get quick access to repetitive things you write the most. Thank you developer!

Clipper might help you save time and efforts. So I would recommend you to give this app a try.. Enjoy!

Scan To Download Clipboard Android AppDownload the Clipper Android App for Free.  Scan the QR Code below using a  bar code scanner app.

Download Clipper Android App

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: