Apples Sues Samsung for 100 Mil Yen in Damages

It’s the turn of the Land of Rising Sun now, where Apple vs. Samsung legal battle — regarding patents, egos and all that — will be carried on. Apple has already sued Samsung in Netherlands and obtained primary injunction too for sales of Samsung’s Galaxy devices in Europe — which Samsung can simply get rid off by patching the gallery app (which hasn’t happened yet, btw) — but today, news broke about the Apple suing Samsung in Japan — and in damages were claimed 100 million Japanese Yen.

The reasons are same, over the patents related to iPhone and iPad.

If you’re thinking Samsung would sue back, know this that Samsung has already done that back in April. So, let’s see how this goes. Whoever wins, the mobile industry is feeling a bit tortured over all this patents infringement saga.

In other news, HTC has sued Apple too, using the patents it bought from Google Inc. Would Samsung also do that? And should Samsung do that? Well, it should.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: