We know some of you love the camera quality of some Lumia phones, in fact you totally adored that in mid-range devices, but can’t live with windows phone because it lacks apps, games and above all, the thing called Android. Well, if reports are to be believed, Microsoft is said to be mulling over an idea of letting Android apps run on its Windows phones so that a good hardware can become a good phone too, thanks to amazing range of apps from Google Play Store.
Right now, it may or may not happen, but if it does, would you be interested in buying a Windows Phone over Android? If apps and games access is about the same, would OS matter for you? For us, yes, yes it does! But we would love to hear what you guys have to say, especially those who own or have owned a Windows Phone before. I have used one long before, and I could resist coming back to my Galaxy S2 within 4 hours.
Thoughts please!
Via TechRadar