Android App Monetization is getting better, significantly reduces lead of iOS

App Monetization Android

In a meet of app experts held at GigaOM Mobilize event, there was an agreement in this view that iOS’s lead, when it comes to app monetization, has now been significantly reduced by Android and that developers do believe Android is pretty good deal, but still a close second to iOS.

But when it comes to enterprise solutions, developers – more than 70% of them, that is – still regard iOS as their choice of mobile operating system, over Android, due to the latter’s vulnerability to hacks.

Raj Aggarwal (CEO and co-founder, Localytics) believes that lead of iOS in terms of app monetization has decreased significantly and that, it’s only a slight lead now. Moreover, it somewhat puzzling way, Josh Williams (president and chief science officer, Kontagent) says, iOS monetizes 40-50% better than android, and that’s pretty viable.

Anyway, we don’t mind the hardcore stats and all, but it feels good that developers believe in Android and Android is paying good returns to devs who have taken their work pretty seriously – for example, Rovio, as Josh Williams cited.

Meanwhile, other mobile platforms – Windows Phone and Blackberry – are nowhere near in terms of developer’s interest as of now.

Those interested in knowing more on this may head to live coverage by GigaOM here, and may watch the live stream here (registration required!).

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: