Android 2.3 for Droid X2 in Testing?

The latest testing round that has begun at Motorola — Droid X2 July 2011 update soak — tells us the obvious, that a new software update for the Droid X2 is in testing. What could it be? Bug fixer and significant improvements care taker, or it’s the Gingerbread update proud owners Droid X2 are waiting for. Well, nothing specific has been touted by Moto team while announcing the soak test but we think it’s Android 2.3 gingerbread — which isn’t expecting too much, after all Droid X got the Gingerbread update even before Droid X2, ironically just a day after the latter was released.

Motorola is selecting 1000 users to distribute the test builds and if you want to be on the software-tester roster, click here.

Anyways, now that it’s in testing it would be releasing soon, too. We’ll see whether it arrives in July or drops for August, at the maximum. What do you think?

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: