T-Mobile Selling HTC G2 for only $50 till Dec 20

G2 Offer $50 Sale

If and only if you were looking for a high end android phone for a very low price, here is the best deal for you. The HTC G2 from T-Mobile is selling now for only $50 with a 2 year deal — as compared to $200 moments ago — as part of the season offer. If you act before Dec 20, 2 p.m. PT, and grab the deal, you’ll get what is the first 4G phone of T-Mobile, delivered overnight for FREE. The offer’s available only online, so few mouse clicks is what you need to get the device tomorrow.

While it’s okay to dub it as the season offer, we would warn you — and also remind you — that the same carrier will be selling the best android phone right now, the Samsung made Google Nexus S, beginning Dec 16. That’s the reason we told you “If and only If” in the beginning. And that only if $150 matters to you more than bagful of quality features Nexus S boasts of, you should go for deal. Not otherwise, never. Oh, by the way, it needs mention here that Nexus S supports only HSPA bands and not those HSPA+ speeds that in-offer HTC G2 is capable of — just in case you are freakish about 4G — but the Nexus S still remains our fav device, as of now.

So, if you are not shy of spending $200 or so for the best android phone, don’t let this inception-like offer plant any idea of any sort in your mind that would make you let go off the Nexus S. If you are considering upgrading your android phone, you are surely lucky with the timing of Nexus S phone launch, you know!

Via tmonews

Source T-Mobile.com

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com