$10 discount of Verizon data plans coming soon!

Verizon’s flexible More Everything plans for both families and individuals are in line for $10 discount, the rumor has it. The discount will be applicable to nearly all current data slabs, while there is also an addition of some juicy new ones. Actually, only the base plan of 500MB remains stubbornly unchanged at $20, while all other plans get a cut of $10.

The new Everything More data plans include 6GB ($70), 8GB ($85), 12GB ($110), 14GB ($120) and 16GB ($130).

The $25 Edge discount was available from 10GB data slab onwards, but will be now available from 6GB onwards. While, you still have $15 Edge discount till the 4GB slab.

We’re waiting to hear official word from Verizon on this, as soon we’ll get it, will be sure to let you know. For now, don’t ask for these discount on the helpline, although you can if you wanna brag about it a little bit!

Via Droid-Life

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com