10 Awesome Business Android Apps

Business is something that takes a lot of time and energy of an individual. So what we have today are those applications which will take a bit of load off your shoulders. These apps will help to solve your problems in a jiffy while previously you had to ponder over then for hours. We have for you today some great applications which not only make work fun but also provide you with some great advice and lets not forget some gives you the world news with your daily cup of morning tea(well,the tea so far is not provided by these applications). Read on:

Document To Go 3.0 Main App


Using this application you can view the files of Microsoft Word, Excel and  Power Point files without any desktop or server conversion. Supported file formats include .doc,. docx,. xls,. xlsx,. ppt,. pptx. Document to go is first mobile Office suite for Android that supports editing of native Microsoft Word, Excel & PowerPoint files and it even helps you to send and receive attachments.

Download Document To Go 3.0 Main App

CamCard Lite – Business Card R

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This app from IntStig Information Co., Ltd has been listed as one of the best apps 2011. This app will scan all the business cards and add data to a new phone, Gmail or Exchange contact. It can easily recognize stuffs like card image content,email signature,QR code and language type of the card image content. CamCard Lite also supports Likedin invitation and business card recognition in various languages. To get this application all you need is a device having  Android version 2.0 with a auto-focusing camera.

Download CamCard Lite – Business Card R

Business Calendar

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In the case of this application the name speaks for itself. This calendar is perfect for all you business people out there because it it will provide everything you need and that too fast. Business Calendar has a scroll and zoom able multi-day view and an awesome graphical and textual representation. Also widgets are there for day, agenda, week and month view and it also has quickly fade in and out calendars using your favorite bar.

Download Business Calendar

Entrepreneur Mobile

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Here is one application which is just perfect for all you entrepreneurs out there. If you want to start a business and want to take it to celestial heights then this application will help you in every step. Entrepreneur Mobile will work like a advisor for you by giving you answers of question and even a reality check on you wacky marketing idea. This awesome advisor will also have an endless stream of inspiration with advice, insight and ofcourse a daily dose of news from Entrepreneur.com. You can even customize display according to your needs.What say all you budding entrepreneurs out there? Feed us back.

Download Entrepreneur Mobile

Super- Private Conversation

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This application will let you keep your private conversation private. Simply import the numbers from your contact list and whatever conversation you have with them will be recorded in your private conversations which you can lock. Super Private Conversation also gives you option of blocking numbers or ignoring calls. So now with this application private remains private.

Download Super Private Conversation

Super Security Standard

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This application provides a cloud based antivirus engine to help you get rid of malware and keep your sensitive data  safe. Super Security Standard comes with Task Manager, anti malware, Software manager, Strongbox and community based antivirus engine. God! that is a lot but not only this — it will also find missing device for you.

Download Super Security Standard

World Newspaper

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All of us love to read a newspaper in the morning but with this app that is the only thing you will do whole day. Wondering why? It is because with this app you can read 2300 worldwide newspapers, websites and magazines at your fingertips and hence this will simply keep you hooked to it. World newspaper also gives you the option of browsing by country and categories and it can even translate webpages for you.

Download World Newspaper

Business Quotes

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“In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.” – Harold S.Geneen. If you are a person who loves to quote ‘quote’ then this is the app for you. Get inspirational quotes on topics including business, success, life, leadership etc and you can even upload them on Facebook and Twitter.

Download Business Quotes


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Welcome to the future of networking. This is not a traditional business card but much more. Hashable not only sends a business card but you can also give your intro to anybody by picking their name from your contact list and then it will tweet or email the intro on your behalf. You can also easily capture power lunches or meetings and share them with your friends using Inner Circle. Just chill and let Hashable keep a track of your relationships for you.

Download Hashable

Time Tracker –Timesheet App

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Now you can track your time and your expenses using time tracker. Whenever you are working, a flip-clock counts the number of billable hours and minutes you have been working. Also you get to upload photos of your receipts straight from Harvest so that at the end of the day everything is organized. With time tracker you can enter expenses, keep an eye on billable hours of client project and have a option of working online and offline both.

Download Time Tracker –Timesheet App

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: shivam@theandroidsoul.com


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