Should you wait for Samsung’s foldable Android phone?

After years of rumors about Samsung’s foldable Android smartphone, it finally seems settled that Samsung is indeed working on a foldable smartphone. Further, the South Korean mobile company might bring us the first ever truly foldable phone.

The latest rumor has it that Samsung might tease the foldable Android phone this year at the Samsung Developer Conference in November. The device could be named the Galaxy F. However, there is no concrete information on when the phone would be launched and be available for sale.

Given the sheer amount of technological advancement at stake with the foldable phones, that may give rise to smartphone designs that aren’t just slabs of glass in front and back, we would understand if you would want to be the first one among your peers and family to buy a foldable phone, which would most probably be the Samsung foldable phone.

But should you not buy a smartphone now even if you need it in order to save the cash for a foldable phone?

Well, there are some aspects to it besides the dubious unveiling and release info available at the moment. Let’s look into this.

Related: The best Samsung phones to buy in 2018

New design

Being the first ever foldable smartphone ever should give you a good reason itself to wait for it. The nearly all-glass generation of smartphones that we have today doesn’t differ from each other a lot. The design part has matured a lot now. And we are seeing even the low- and mid-range phones launching with premium builds, therefore, we need something different like a foldable phone to truly differentiate from the crowd.

The Galaxy F could be that device! It’s rumored to feature a 7.3-inch display, easily the largest display Samsung will have put on a smartphone.

New software experience

The Galaxy F would have a different software experience compared to current smartphones. Since the Galaxy F would have a foldable display we expect Samsung to implement not just a few tweaks to the interface we use today, but create a new UI to better deal with foldable phones.

The Galaxy F could offer some features that we may not find in smartphones of today. Even though there will be some unique use cases for the foldable phone because of its very design, it’s been also rumored that you will be able to use most of the features even when the device is in a folded state. You can unfold the device to get the bigger display that gives you a better experience for gaming and watching videos and movies.

Also read: Samsung Galaxy Note 9: all you need to know

Better multimedia experience

As far as media consumption goes, bigger is always better. So if Samsung gives us a 7.3inch display, it’s simply gonna be great for watching movies, TV shows, and playing games (Yep, PUBG and Fortnite).

If Samsung also steps up their audio game by introducing dual stereo speakers on the Galaxy F foldable phone, then it should be a device to beat by a far margin.

Samsung’s foldable smartphone may not be for everyone, though, because of its price itself for the most part, let alone a new UI and just being a first of its kind and hence unproven tech, but for those who want something new and fresh Samsung would surely grab your attention when they launch the Galaxy F.

Are you interested in the Galaxy F foldable smartphone or the whole concept of this type of phones? Do let us know in the comments below. 

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Used to be a Windows Phone fan until I got my first Android Phone. Never looked back since. When I'm not writing, I'm gaming. Email: