In May, we reported that WhatsApp will bring filters to the app. Guess what? The day is finally here. In the latest beta build of WhatsApp i.e. 2.17.297, the filters are live on WhatsApp.
Unlike Snapchat and others, that keep people guessing about the location of filters, WhatsApp has added a neat text “Swipe up for filters” to let people know about the existence of filters. You can add filters to the status and to the photos that you send to your friends. When you capture a photo, just swipe up to open the filters.
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Currently, WhatsApp supports five kinds of filters viz. Pop, B&W, Cool, Chrome, and Film. Just tap the filter to apply it or you can swipe between the filters. However, unlike Instagram, WhatsApp currently doesn’t let you change the intensity of filters.
To recap, previous WhatsApp updates introduced features like Emoji Search feature, PiP mode for video calls, and app shortcuts. Also, like you, we are also waiting for the recall feature.
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Looks like WhatsApp has removed the filter feature in 2.17.298 build, as the feature is available in the 2.17.297 build only. However, don’t be sad, you can download the 2.17.297 build from the link below. Also, that day isn’t far now when we get the filters on the stable version too.
→ Download WhatsApp 2.17.297