WhatsApp has rolled out the new beta version (2.17.265) of the app which brings with it a new picture-in-picture (PiP) mode for video calls.
The feature will be automatically enabled on the handsets that are currently running the Android O Developer Preview.
The PiP mode allows users to minimize the video call window during a video conversation thereby allowing the user to answer other text messages on the app.
At this point in time, though, it is not clear whether the new PiP mode will function properly even one minimizes the WhatsApp app. What we do know, is that one can drag the small video call window to snap it anywhere on the screen based on their preferences.
Read:Â WhatsApp finally introduces Emoji search feature
It’s worth pointing out, however, is that the floating window snaps only on the edges of the screen be it top or bottom.
As mentioned above, users currently on Android O Developer Preview will only be able to utilize this feature. At least, for now.
Do let use know if you like this new feature in the comments section below.
Source: Twitter