[Download] Verizon Galaxy S3 CM13 Marshmallow ROM

Verizon is your worst nightmare when it comes to getting the freshest release of Android on your device. However, in case of the Galaxy S3, it’s not Verizon blocking the update for you but Samsung itself won’t push the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update to your 2012 smartphone.

But that doesn’t mean you wont boot the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update on your Verizon Galaxy S3 I535. To your surprise, holy folks over at xda have already released an unofficial build of CM13 for the Verizon Galaxy S3. You can install it on your device right this instance have some Marshmallow love.

Since this an early of release of CM13 for Verizon S3, don’t expect it to be your companion for everyday usage yet. Although the ROM has very few bugs known so far, but we we wouldn’t surprised to know if there are critical functionality issues as well. Check out the known bugs list below:

  • Need to possibly load a different File Explorer to access SD Card
  • Access to camera is not functioning correctly

Interested? Grab the Verizon Galaxy S3 CM13 ROM from the download link below and simply flash it via TWRP recovery along with Marshmallow compatible Gapps package.

[icon name=”download” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Download Verizon Galaxy S3 (d2vzw) CM13 ROM

[icon name=”download” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Download Marshmallow Gapps

NOTE: Before you proceed with installation, make sure that you’re running the VRBMF1 firmware with NE1 modem on your Verizon S3. You can get it from the download link here.

For help installing CM13, follow our detailed step-by-step guide to install CM13 at the link below:

[icon name=”hand-o-right” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] How to Install CM13 ROM

Happy Androiding!

via xda

Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: shivam@theandroidsoul.com

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