The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has launched an official Android mobile application for Aadhaar cardholders. The app is known as mAadhaar and is available for download on the Google Play Store.
The mAadhaar app provides an interface to Aadhaar card holders to carry their demographic information anywhere in their smart phones. The information includes Name, Date of Birth, Gender & Address along with photograph as linked with their Aadhaar Number.
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The mAadhaar app weighs 10.80MB and includes features like Biometric locking/unlocking, Time-based One-Time Password generation, Sharing of QR code and eKYC data besides Aadhaar profile download.
Once you download the app, you have to set up a password followed by entering your 12-digit Aadhaar number. The app will then send an SMS from your registered mobile number for verification. Keep in mind, that the app must have registered SIM inserted in your handset to verify OTP for registration.
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There are many fake Aadhaar apps on the Google Play Store, make sure you download the right one with the name mAadhaar. We have provided the download link below.