Huawei stole many hearts and lots of applaud when it launched its flagship products P10 and P10 Plus at the Mobile World Congress event in February. Known for producing phones which are easy and appealing to the eyes, Huawei took its P10 and P10 phones on a higher pedestal by including rocking internal hardware and top of the line camera features. While the consumers are still having a taste of this new kid on the block, Huawei has moved on to its 2018 flagship presumably dubbed as Huawei P11. But will Huawei be able to create magic once again with it? We think not, if at all the P11 turns out to resemble the concept images that have surfaced online.
As per the concept images, Huawei P11 sports Galaxy S8 like curved infinity display with an on screen fingerprint scanner. Bezels are not visible at all except for a very little patch on the top which houses the front camera. Behind we find horizontally placed LEICA dual cameras, similar to Huawei P10/P10 Plus.
Read:Â Huawei P9 Nougat update
The Huawei P11 is rumored to sport a 5.2-inch Quad HD display. This is in between the 5.1-inch FHD screen of P10 and 5.5-inch QUAD HD display of P10 Plus.
We agree that the very idea of a concept image is to create something out of one’s imagination mingling few designs from past devices of the company with what can be anticipated. And in almost all cases, the concept images remain something just on paper and never get actualized to the real product launched. And we really hope that this rings true for Huawei P11 and it never turns out like these concept images posted online.
via Weibo