One of the reasons people are flocking to Telegram is the app’s focus on user privacy and security. In the latest update to version 5.5, the popular instant messenger is getting even better with user privacy by adding features that give more control over the usage of the app.
On top of the list is the ability to unsend messages in any private chat at any time, which is a cool addition for sure. The fact that you can recall messages without any time limits is a boon for many.
The new update also introduces new privacy settings for message forwarding and profile photos, where messages that you forward can be stripped off the backlink to your account. According to Telegram, this change will ensure that “people you chat with will have no verifiable proof you ever sent them anything.”
Also in the changelog is a changed panel for emoji, GIFs and stickers, including a new search, emoji suggestions for the first word you type in a message, streaming support for GIFs and video messages as well as search in settings, Talkback support and improvements to call quality.
You can already grab this update via the Google Play Store, so be sure to check it out. Also, these changes are available in the latest Telegram 1.6.2 for desktop, but of course, there is no Talkback support.
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