T-Mobile users have the option of buying Galaxy S3, but having an option to buy the One X too would be welcome. And it seems like HTC is liking the Samsung’s all-carrier-release policy and is taking it to heart, too — as they plan to release the One X on T-Mobile too. Btw, HTC already available the One X on AT&T with 1.5 GHz S4 dual-core processor inside, but looks like the T-Mobile One X will pack in even higher specifications, going by the + sign that it’s been rumored with, which might mean presence of Tegra 3+ processor.
We already know that a successor to Nvidia’s quad-core Tegra 3 processor would be Tegra 3+, one with higher clock rates and compatibility with 4G LTE and higher HSPA+ speeds. So, if the rumor turns out true, T-Mobile One X might become the first device to launch with Tegra 3+ processor, maybe featuring 1.7GHz quad-core processor. The rest of spec-sheet should be same as that of AT&T One X and international One X, including RAM of 1 GB.
The T-Mobile One X is also knows as HTC Era 42, btw. Any more details on T-Mobile One X are not available for now, so we gotta wait for release date, exact (official) specifications, etc.
Its nice to see Kapil back..
Thanks!! Appreciate it. Totally unexpected, btw!
Its nice to see Kapil back..
Thanks!! Appreciate it. Totally unexpected, btw!
Its nice to see Kapil back..
Thanks!! Appreciate it. Totally unexpected, btw!