The T-Mobile Galaxy Note 8 sets are receiving their first update. It seems the OTA update started rolling back on 15th September, and is still under the rollout. Besides proofing your Note 8 at T-Mobile with August security patch, the update, coming in as software version N950USQU1AQ15, or QI5 in short, also brings some other improvements too.
T-Mobile is yet to acknowledge the update on its software update page for the device, which still only shows the launch software version, N950USQUIAQGV.
The QI5 update improves stability of the Google Maps app on the device, as well improving the Weather Widget and Navigation app.
In case you can’t get an OTA, or have problem installing it, you can always download the firmware and install that. Check for the OTA update after installing the firmware, and should should strike better luck now. See our page on Galaxy Note 8 update and firmware download here.
Samsung is yet to come up with its Oreo update plans, but it’s said to be working on Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus Android 8.0 update (obviously, yes!). It’s rumored that Samsung now has the test build of the Oreo update available with them, and thus could release the Oreo beta update within a month or so from today.
As of now, only Nexus and Pixel sets have received the Oreo update, thanks to Google handling that for them. Besides that, we have seen OnePlus 3 update under the tightly-knit closed-beta program, while there is a OnePlus 3T Oreo firmware available in the wild, a Chinese HydrogenOS build but easily installable really well — in fact, you can easily root it too.
Image source:Â MicroMod777