All of us like to take a sneak peak into our friend’s lives through their pics, after all a picture speaks a thousand words. ‘Pixable: Your Photo Inbox’, which requires Android 2.2 and up  is the app which helps you spot the best photos and videos shared by your friends on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram- all at one place.
Pixable guarantees a unique personalized experience to you as it categorizes and sorts photos based on popularity and your connections. It works intelligently in the way it analyses your likes, comments, tags and other variables to uncover the photos you like!. Easy cataloging helps you to flick through feeds like most recent photos, top photos, profile pics and more.
With just a click you can share an interesting or funny photo via Facebook or Twitter as pixable is totally in sync with Facebook. You can also like and comment on your friend’s facebook photos through Pixable. Plus, you can avail services like twitpic, yFrog, Instagram, Picplz to surf photos and videos from your friend’s tweets. You can like, browse your friend’s Instagram photos all using Pixable.
Pixable definitely lets you be close to your friends (or their pics!) in a smooth and hassle free way with solid performance and stability features.