Samsung thinks Galaxy J5 and J7 are ‘Metal’ phones because.. they can!

We just spotted Galaxy J5 and J7 2016 editions on Samsung’s Brazil site. And guess what, Samsung is using the ‘metal’ tag with the devices’ moniker.

That’s really sick, Samsung! You are calling Galaxy J7 2016 and Galaxy J5 2016 as metal phones, while both of them feature a drab plastic back (with brushed effect, yes!)?

All that especially when all the metal there is on the phone’s body is limited to its frames. Gah!

What, you think Brazil will be dropping its jaw upon reading that title? Good luck with that.

Anyway, that’s just plain wrong Samsung, hope you correct the title at these Samsung-Brazil pages soon enough.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: