Here’s why Galaxy S8 battery should not explode like Note 7

Learning from the Note 7 fiasco from last year, Samsung is now tightening its quality check process for its upcoming devices, including the Galaxy S8.

“Following the Note 7 issue, we are putting priority on customer safety on all our product lineups and strengthening quality control,” a Samsung official said. “But at the moment, we cannot confirm anything about our upcoming products ― including the S8.”

Samsung was expected to release the Galaxy S8 at MWC. However, as per the recent reports, the device will be announced on March 29th, and will start shipping by April 24th, 2017.

Rival company LG is also putting in more efforts to make their devices safer. LG has reportedly used heat pipes in their upcoming flagship phone, LG G6, to better manage heat dispersion on the phone.

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