Fantastic news beckons all Samsung Galaxy S9 users in India! Samsung has now begun registrations to their One UI beta program on the Galaxy S9 phone in the Asian sub-continent. This beta build runs on Samsung’s latest custom UI, the One UI, atop the latest Android version, Android 9 Pie.
The great benefit of enrolling yourself for this testing is that you’ll get to experience all new features of Android Pie as well as One UI earlier than anyone else. You can also directly send feedback about device performance and bugs that’ll be quickly resolved to enhance overall user experience.
Related articles:
- Samsung Galaxy S9 Android Pie update news
- Samsung One UI release date and device list
- Samsung Android 9 Pie update news, device list, and moreÂ
To enroll, you need to check out Samsung’s announcement on the Notices app on your phone and follow the instructions mentioned to become a beta tester. Once your application is accepted, you can download the update bearing software version G960FXXU2ZRL5 on the S9 and G965FXXU2ZRL5 on the S9+. The update weighs in at 1760.38MB, so be sure to get a stable Wi-Fi connection.
The changelog mentions a host of all new features and changes to the existing software. The security patch level is updated to December 2018. Some of the most exciting new features include Night Mode, all new Unicode 11.0 emojis, floating keyboard, Scene Optimizer mode when clicking photos, and many more.