Rogers rolling out RCS messaging support to more users

Last year, in December, Rogers enabled the use of the RCS standard in messaging for some users. Now, it looks like the standard is being rolled out for a larger audience in Canada.

RCS or Rich Communication Services, is a standard that brings some of the iMessage features to Android. iMessage is the stock messaging app that Apple includes in its iPhone, iPad, Mac and iPod Touch. There has been no real competitor on Android so far, but with the RCS standard included in the Messenger app, things could change.

Rogers started the revolution in Canada, along with few other carriers, but it was only available for certain users. Customers had to download the Google Messenger app from the Play Store and Rogers would do the rest. RCS allows for real-time typing indicator, read receipts, high quality image and video, and a lot more.

More customers on Rogers are now reporting that they have received notification about RCS support on the Messenger app. It does require an active data or WiFi connection to work. Sprint in U.S. has also enabled support for RCS for its customers. Now, the rest of the major carriers have to enable this standard so everyone can enjoy the features.

Thanks Jacob, Mike and Brian!

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