Razorclaw — Easiest One Click Root for the ASUS Transformer

If previous root tools for your Asus Transformer bothered you a little bit too much, then your life is gonna become easier from today. XDA member, rayman84, has developed a new tool which allows users to root their Transformers with just one click — without the need to enter codes in command windows, even though some of us geeks love that too, for sake of craziness, or excitement.

But, to be able to use this new one-click root tool, dubbed as RazorClaw — no relation with the recently release Motorola Razr, btw — your Transformer has to be updated to latest OTA update from Asus, v8.6.5.19, Android 3.2.1. So, make sure that below using the Razorclaw.

Also, Razorclaw uses the app backup feature which came with the v8.5.6.10 update from Asus, which explains the need to update to latest firmware too. It has been tested on the Transformer, but MIGHT work on the ASUS Slider and TF101G (Transformer 3G model).

The best thing about Razorclaw is that it’s a simple .apk (installer) file, also available in android market.

Installation Instructions

  1. Install the apk file. Download and install from market, or, download from here on your phone and install it using a file manager.
  2. Click on Root.
  3. After the root process is finished, your transformer is rooted.
  4. [Optional] Share your thoughts with us in the comments box below
  5. [Optional] Donate and support the developer, rayman84, if you like.


  1. will this work on the tf101 android 4.0.3 with build i hope so and thank you.

  2. will this work on the tf101 android 4.0.3 with build i hope so and thank you.

  3. will this work on the tf101 android 4.0.3 with build i hope so and thank you.

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