OnePlus 2 Fingerprint Sensor not working? Well, maybe you didn’t set it right

A Fingerprint sensor is increasingly gaining popularity among users and the 2016 Flagship killer OnePlus 2 made sure it has the best of the sensor installed on itself.

However, there are some OP2 users out there complaining how the Fingerprint sensor on their devices doesn’t work and that they have received a faulty OnePlus 2. But only that’s not true.

What these folks are missing is the way OnePlus 2 Fingerprint is setup. The thing is when you boot your OP2 for the first time, and when it asks you for a Google account to sign-in the device with, you have to do it. If you skip that step, if you skip the Google account sign-in at the device setup, than perhaps you can’t setup Fingerprint sensor either.

If you’ve done that and skipped Google account sign-in at the device setup then your only hope to get Fingerprint sensor to get working is to factory reset your OnePlus 2, and setup Google account when it asks for it at the first boot. And then you can set up/use the Fingerprint sensor on your 2016 Flagship killer.

We know this isn’t very bright of the OnePlus team to set the Fingerprint sensor that way, but thankfully, it’s not a faulty device that they have shipped to you. Hope they will improve things with the next OTA update.

via The Android Soul

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Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email:


  1. And have you ever heard of users who have signed in to their google account already and found that the finger print sensor wasn’t working? Well, to be more precise , the finger print sensor stopped working after the recent OS update of 2.1.1. Please check.


  2. And have you ever heard of users who have signed in to their google account already and found that the finger print sensor wasn’t working? Well, to be more precise , the finger print sensor stopped working after the recent OS update of 2.1.1. Please check.


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