After the launch of the Nubia Lite in India, ZTE is looking forward to up the ante with the Nubia Z17 Mini, which was launched in India today at an asking price INR 19,999. The Z17 Mini features an excellent dual camera at the back, which is pretty attractive for this price range, even though you get one mediocre type with Honor 6X, and a really good one with Honor 8.
The front of the Z17 Mini features a 5.2-inch 1080p display along with a 16MP front facing camera up top. Inside, the Nubia Z17 Mini rocks the Snapdragon 652 chipset, 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. It runs on a moderate 2950mAh battery which should get you a day’s use.
Moving to the spotlight feature of the Z17 Mini, the back houses a 13MP+13MP dual camera, one of which is a Sony Monochrome sensor. This may not get you that bokeh effect which is popular with most dual shooters, but this setup will allow you to take fabulous low-light pictures. This is also supplemented with ZTE’s Neo Vision 6 software to further enhance photography.
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For INR 19,999, ZTE Z17 mini is priced fairly well, given that you get 4GB RAM and a reliable SD652 processor. Even if you think it’s priced on higher side, know that there are little things that make the difference, like Sony’s sensor and the Snapdragon 652 SoC, both of which aren’t easily found in this price segment.
Via: Indian Express