Nexus 5X 7.1.2 update enables “Swipe for notifications” fingerprint scanner gesture

Google recently released Android Nougat 7.1.2 beta update for the supported devices, including the Nexus 5x. The update mainly consisted of bug fixes, performance improvements, and a few new features. With the Nexus 5x, the update enabled a new fingerprint scanner gesture.

Users have taken to Reddit to note that after updating to Android 7.1.2, they have been given the ability to view notifications by using the fingerprint scanner. As you can see in the screenshot above, there’s a toggle to enable or disable this feature.

On the Nexus 5x, the fingerprint scanner is located at the back. With this feature enable, you can swipe down on the scanner to view the notifications bar. This feature is present in several other smartphones, however Google waited a while to bring it to the 5x.

A very useful feature and we are glad it is finally available on the Nexus 5x. If you’ve signed up for the Android Beta program, then you must’ve already got the Nougat 7.1.2 update on your device. The feature can be enabled under the Moves section in Settings.

via: Reddit

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