The LG G6 has had its fair share of rumors and leaks, but the latest one gives us the best look at the device yet. The image you see above, is apparently the LG G6, and is the real deal.
We know by now that LG will be announcing the G6 on February 26 at MWC 2017. The company has already started sending invites to the media and the press. The latest leak comes from The Verge, who say they’ve got the first official image of the device.
As you can see from the image at the top, the LG G6 seems to sport minimum bezels and would apparently have a 5.7-inch display with 2:1 ratio. The G6, thanks to the thin bezels, is supposed to feature a 90 percent screen-to-body ratio. Even the Galaxy S8 has been rumored to feature a large display with over 90 percent screen-to-body ratio.
LG would also not make the G6 a modular device, and the entire phone would be made out of glass and metal instead. AÂ dual camera setup and a fingerprint sensor at the back would complete the flagship. It is also said to feature the latest Snapdragon 835 processor.
Source: The Verge