LG DoublePlay Gets Nov 2 Release Date for T-Mobile

Remember LG DoublePlay? It’s not like it got twice the firepower and capabilities than SE’s gaming device Xperia Play, in fact it’s not for gamers at all, but it’s different. LG has somehow found acres of space on the qwerty physical slider of this phone and inserted a 2-inch touch screen (yes, really!) so that users can launch apps directly from right there — keyboard’s secondary screen, that is.

We know it’s not the greatest of innovation, but at least LG tried something, right?

And those who’re impressed with this and are keenly waiting for the launch date, you’re in luck as it is rumored that T-Mobile in US is set to release it on November 2, which isn’t far at all.

Chief specifications of LG DoublePlay are: 1 GHZ processor, 5MP camera capable of recording videos in 720p HD resolution, 3.5-inch primary touch screen, WiFi, A-GPS, etc.

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: kapil@theandroidsoul.com