Installation Guide for New Android Market 3.2 from Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich

Ice Cream Sandwich apps have started leaking now on Internet and we’ve already got the taste of what Music and Google+ apps would look like on Android 4.0.

icon-bell-o Play Store APK Updated
Below are the most recent versions of Play Store:
[posts-by-tag tags = “google-play-apk” number = “5”]

Now, we’ve got our hands on the Android market v3.2 APK, which supposedly belongs to Nexus Prime running on Android 4.0.

Installing the new market 3.2 is a bit tedious, even though it’s an APK file. Your phone needs to be rooted and you’ll need a root explorer to transfer the leaked apk of android market to appropriate place (in /system/app folder) to use the new market. If you haven’t done something like that earlier, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered: check easy-cheezy step-by-step how-to guide with video to install android market v3.2 on your rooted android phone.

Installation Guide for Android Market v3.2 using Root Explorer

  1. Download the Android Market v3.2 APK. Filename: Phonesky.apk. Size: 2.46MB.
  2. If you downloaded the Phonesky.apk on your PC, transfer it to phone and remember the location. If you downloaded it on phone, then it’s probably in Download folder on sd card. Try installing it directly from sdcard. It would not install probably, which is where the steps below help.
  3. Now, make sure your phone is rooted. Then, install File Expert from market. It’s free and works pretty nice as a root explorer.
  4. Mounting the system with Read Write (R/W) capabilities:
    1. Go to File Explorer Settings — press Menu key > More > Settings > File Explorer Settings
    2. Scroll Down to find Root Explorer and tick the checkbox. Superuser app will pop-up a notification, select Allow. Press back and come to main screen.
    3. Mounting the system with R/W permissions — press Menu key > More > Mount > Mount as Read Write
  5. Go to the location where Phonesky.apk is saved on your phone and copy it (tip: long press any file in File Expert app and select file operations to get options like copy, paste and rename, that you’ll need here).
  6. Press back key to go to root of your phone’s card and then, go to /system folder and then to /app folder.
  7. Rename the current market apk to some random name and then rename the Phonesky.apk to make it current market app. Here’s how:
    1. Scroll to find the Vending.apk file in the folder /system/app (Vending.apk is your current market file!)
    2. Rename it to any name of your choice, lets say, Vendingrename1.apk. So, the current Vending.apk is changed to Vendingrename1.apk
    3. Paste the Phonesky.apk here now that copied in step 5 and rename the Phonesky.apk to Vending.apk
  8. Change permissions for the new market apk – After you’ve renamed the Phonesky.apk to Vending.apk, long press (tap and hold) it to get pop-up options. Select File operations and then select Permission. On the pop-up, tick the checkboxes as given in the screenshot below. In the read column, all 3 checkboxes are ticked. In the Write column, only owner checkbox is ticked. While every other checkbox (5 to be exact, remaining 2 from Write column and all 3 from Exec column) remain ‘un-ticked’. Tap on APPLY after you’ve set the permissions right.
  9. Reboot your phone and you’ll see the market icon has changed. Open the market app.
  10. (Optional) If you found this guide useful, share it with others. And +1 it.

Video to Install Android Market v3.2

— coming soon —

Oh btw, I’m yet to find any changes this new market has brought, apart from the slightly beautified ‘Download’ and ‘Accept and Download’ buttons when you download an app.

Posted by
Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email:


  1. Hi, good instructions but you forget to tell us to PASTE the new phonesky.apk into the APP folder after we have COPIED it.


  2. Hi, good instructions but you forget to tell us to PASTE the new phonesky.apk into the APP folder after we have COPIED it.


  3. Hi, good instructions but you forget to tell us to PASTE the new phonesky.apk into the APP folder after we have COPIED it.


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