Huawei has new updates rolling out to the budget Honor 7A and Honor 7C in India, where the two have been confirmed to be receiving the call recording feature, but that’s not all the update brings to the duo.
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According to the company, fans of the Honor 7A and Honor 7C have constantly been requesting for the addition of a native call recording feature. In the latest update that brings software version for both devices, users will now be able to simply tap on a button and call recording will kick in.
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In addition, the update also installs a new Android security patch for the month of August and although not the latest in town, the fact that the Honor 7A and 7C won’t be receiving monthly security patches puts some significant weight behind the latest rollout, so make sure you grab it once it shows up on your phone.
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Speaking of rolling out, the update is coming in over the air, meaning it will take some time before all Honor 7A and 7C units get the go-ahead to download it, so be patient. Alternatively, you can try hurrying it up by heading to the Settings menu and checking for the updates manually.