HTC made a lot of heads turn with their announcements of the upcoming One series of phones, at the Mobile World Congress this year. Along with the phones, HTC also showcased their newest iteration of the Sense UI, version 4.0, that will be the default UI on all their upcoming phones. Without a doubt, Sense 4.0 is one of best-looking custom UI’s people have ever seen, earning jealous looks from owners of other Android phones.

Well, turns out XDA modder b_bhavu was so impressed by the Sense 4.0 UI that he saw on the HTC One X phone, he decided to try and get the interface on the One X on his Samsung Galaxy S2. Combining a lot of apps and themes, along with using the inbuilt Theme Chooser on Cyanogenmod (CM) 7, he has achieved a look quite similar to the Sense 4.0 UI on the One X. And now, he has released a full set of instructions on how other people can also get the same look on their Galaxy S2. The instructions are pretty comprehensive, with links to every app and theme that is required to do it.

Keep in mind that you need to be on a CM7 ROM as the theme chooser from CM is required in order to get the Sense 4.0 look. If you are interested, you can head over to the official page on XDA, for the full set of instructions. Do let us know how everything works out for you, and whether or not you like the Sense 4.0 look on your Galaxy S2, in the comments below.