HTC may not be as popular as Samsung with people in India, but devices like the low-end Wildfire or the quad-core One X have seen enough sales to be declared a hit. HTC is obviously looking to further increase their presence in the country, as they have opened their first concept store in Delhi, India’s capital city.
Located in South Extension in Delhi, the concept store allows HTC to show off its top of the line smartphones to the public, allowing them to try out the devices, as well as accessories such as Beats headphones. This should certainly help a bit in improving their sales and getting more people to know about them, considering how it is very rare to see ads by HTC on television or on billboards out on the streets. HTC has also reduced their product prices in recent times compared to what they were a few months ago, so it should all help in creating more awareness of the brand in the country.
Make sure to stop by the HTC Concept Store the next time you are in Delhi and make a visit to South Ex. (as it’s famously called). Here’s to HTC opening more such stores in other cities as well.