If the original Borderlands is responsible for the herculean rise of the Looter Shooter genre, then surely the third installment in this wildly popular gaming series, Borderlands 3 is a worthy successor that proudly continues the legacy. Borderlands 3, the latest in the series released last year, returning with the best of its predecessors and some.
As one of the four Fledgling vault hunters of the crimson raiders, you can team up with your gamer friends to loot and shoot your way through the game’s mayhem-fueled adventure.
Of course, when you’re playing with your friends, there are going to be moments that demand a reaction from you, this is where emoting comes in.
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What are emotes?
As virtual interactions have gained massive precedence over the last few years, a character’s ability to emote is considered almost essential, especially in multiplayer games where the players use characters to express themselves.
The usual ways to communicate are ones you’re probably familiar with like audio chat or texting, which is one of the more obvious and direct ways to convey what you want in the game. But these methods don’t use the character itself and instead use additional resources like a chatbox.
Through emotes, it’s the character you’re playing that does the communication and in Borderlands 3, players simply love to do this. Scenarios in which you want your character to emote a reaction like laughing, taunting, and most importantly dancing are definitely going to arise, especially when you’re interacting with your friends in their character avatars.
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Which emotes available on Borderlands 3?
Well, there are quite a few emotes available on Borderlands 3 and while you begin with 10, you can unlock many more eventually as you progress. These range from the basic ones such as sitting, using a sarcastic clever voice line, waving, blowing a kiss, farting, crying, using a pick-up line, singing, dancing, flirting and sleeping to more ingenious ones such as Hearts, Robot Dance, Chicken Dance, Finger Dance, funny show-off moves, death, etc.
You will already have access to the more basic emotes but you will still need to unlock the more fun emotes in the game.
How to unlock new emotes
While you will stumble across new emotes randomly throughout the world, a more reliable way to get new emotes is to head to Sanctuary III (your ship) and visit Crazy Earl, the black market dealer down in the Cargo Hold who ells special cosmetics and trades Loot-O-Grams for random loot. Keep in mind that you need to have some Eridium on hand for payment otherwise you won’t be able to acquire the emotes.
How to equip new emotes
After purchasing new emotes, you’ll need to equip them to be able to use them. To do this you’ll need to do is find a Quick Change machine. Once you’re there, you can select the emote menu and change one of your existing emotes out for your new, cool one. At the moment, you can equip only four emotes at a time.
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How to use the emote function
Borderlands 3 is currently available for Xbox, PS4, and PC. Here’s a look at how you can activate the emote function on each one.
How to emote using the Xbox One and PS4
To use an emote long-press the Menu Button on Xbox One, or the Options button on PS4 till a menu showing your currently available emotes along with a couple of other options pops up. Just pressing the Menu/Option button will simply bring up the pause menu, so make sure to hold it down, otherwise, the emote function won’t work.
The four icons on the wheel that pop up are available emotes that you can choose from, use the left analog stick to move to the one you want to use and press A. This will show the emote being done in a third-person perspective before reverting back to the first-person camera after it is done.
How to emote on PC

When you’re playing Borderlands 3 on PC, all you need to do is press the Up, Left, Down, and Right arrow keys on the keyboard. This will activate the emotes you have bound to those keys, allowing your character to do its thing.
We’re sure you cannot wait to explore to thoroughly explore the emote function in your next multiplayer meet-up. Go crazy with this cool feature and take the character interactions to the next level. Take care and stay safe!