Last year, Google announced the VR180 format that is meant to help users capture immersive UHD 4K videos and photos in 3D, thus allowing viewers to re-experience their best moments on VR headsets like its own Daydream. In partnership with Lenovo and Y1, the search giant unveiled the Lenovo Mirage and Y1 Horizon point-and-shoot cameras at the CES 2018 that are meant for capturing and viewing the said moments.

While you can re-experience these moments on a standard screen, the ideal gadget to use is a VR headset. Furthermore, there’s also support for the VR180 companion application, which comes in handy when you want to upload and view content.

Well, this Google VR180 companion application is now available for download on your Android phone via the Google Play Store right away.

Download VR180 from Google Play Store