Google Music could Launch this Month with Motorola XOOM, says Sanjay Jha.

Remember the cloud-based music service Google promised us last year? Well, it will probably and hopefully be launched simultaneously with Motorola XOOM. According to a quote from Guardian UK, Sanjay Jha CEO of Motorola has let it slip at the Mobile World Congress that Google Music will indeed launch concurrently with XOOM, whose solid release date is still just anyone’s guess. If all is well with the project, then Google Music is something to watch out for.

Wondering? Well, that is exactly why the Mountain View based Outfit purchased Simplify Media last year and the latter’s work in cross-platform music sharing is definitely at the heart of the latest service. Google Music should — and will — come out as a serious competition to iTunes and will have everything ranging from a simple online webstore with the ability to directly install to device – just like what you do with the new android market webstore — to a cloud storage service that brings your existing music library to any device wherever you are using the network connection. Cool, isn’t it!

Billboard has it that Andy Rubin is involved at the very roots of the Google music service and of late he has been trying to get record labels behind the project and if we go by what Mr Jha has said then he sure has succeeded.

So, are you ready to dump iTunes? And what do you think of the chances of Google Music success. To us, it looks very much promising and increased competition only sounds music to our ears.

Via Phandroid

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Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: