Google has simplified our lives ever since the time we needed it for answering our simplest queries to the time we needed it for writing our college assignments. Google has always come in handy for rescue for years, but it has also come a long way.
Whatever smart exists be it, smart speakers, IP camera’s, smart lights and switches, thanks to compatibility with Google Assitant, it can be smartly managed in one go by Google Home app.
A new update is now available for Google Home app that enables the user to change the color of the smart bulb. As we think of it, Amazon Echo already came in with this option a year ago.
Nevertheless, Google Home can now do more than just turning the lights on and off, or play a notch up or down for brightness. Now, you could use the colorful lights to vibe in for your weekend parties or just to suit your reading, lounging or gaming needs.
It was recently revealed that you will be soon able to make a Duo audio call on Google Home speaker, which is quite a useful addition in our books. The rollout of the feature is still in its infancy stage, so don’t worry if you don’t see the option yet.