How to get Gacha Club right now!

how to get Gacha Club

Still hot off the press, Gacha Club just dropped onto the Play Store and to much fanfare among the massive player base. Gacha Club was in fact intended to be a massive update for the much-beloved game, Gacha Life, but in fear that the massive amount of new features might result in a laggy and bug-ridden experience for the users when stacked on top of all the old code, developers opted to create a brand new game altogether. And it is awesome. 

There is a ton to do in Gacha Club. Though it’s only officially and fully released on Android at the moment, we’ll teach you how to get Gacha Club no matter what kind of device you have with you.

What’s new in Gacha Club?

Here is why you can’t wait for the Gacha Club to be released on your platform, too, besides Android.

Better Graphics

The new Gacha Club has a whole slew of new graphics features that give the game a whole new level of Chibi-friendly gloss. Not only are the character designs neater, brighter and more expressive, but the animation quality is also significantly improved over its predecessor. The new Studio is buttery smooth compared to the somewhat choppy, stuttering animation in Gacha Life. Characters even have hair wave animations that react to movement.

Related: Is Gacha Club available for iOS?

More Customization

Gacha Club gives players more detailed control than Gacha Life. For starters, players can change the colors of pretty much everything now, including their character outlines (which can also, alternatively, be erased altogether too). Like the earliest iteration of Gacha Studio, Gacha Club lets characters wear multiple, overlapping accessories at once. There are even 11 new hand gestures, new emotes, 600 poses, and players can now use a wide variety of fonts to give more life to dialogue.

More Characters

Gacha Club characters

Gacha Club has way, way more character slots. Where Gacha life has 8 main characters with 12 extra slots, Gacha Club ups the ante big time with 10 main characters and a whopping 90 side character slots. That’s right: 100 characters! The studio also allows 2 more characters on-screen at once, up to a total of 10.

Way More Gacha

Gacha Club character cutomization

Whereas in Gacha Life, the Gacha mechanic itself was restricted only to gifts to be given to NPCs, Gacha Club lets players Gacha for Characters and pets and allows up to 40 Gacha rolls all at once.

A New Game Mode

That’s right! One of the more salient additions to Gacha gameplay is a brand new Battle Mode that has players fighting waves of enemies alongside their pets. There is reportedly even an elemental rock-paper-scissors system similar to Pokemon.

Gacha Club Game

How to Get Gacha Club

After reading all that, you’re probably itching to get started. Down below we’ll explore the options for all of the different operating systems and their respective release dates.

Gacha Club for Android

If you’re on the Android side of things, you’ll be glad to know that Gacha Club is currently available for download from Google Play. Rejoice! You’re way ahead of the pack, and certainly the envy of all iOS users.

â–º Download Gacha Club

Gacha Club for iOS

Unfortunately, Gacha Club is unavailable for iOS at this moment. Frustrated Apple users will have to make do with Gacha Life for only another month or so, with Gacha Club expected for release sometime in August, as per Lunime.

Update [August 12, 2020]: A month after its official release on Android, Lunime still hasn’t rolled out Gacha Club on iOS. There’s no confirmed timeline as well for the game neither has there been any word on the matter from the developer.

For iOS users getting a little too antsy, however, there are options to get into the game earlier. Gacha fans can download an emulator like Bluestacks in order to get the Android version on their PC. We do feel your pain!

Okay, one more!

Gacha Club for Windows

If you’re looking to play Gacha Club on your Windows PC, then worry not, we’ve got you covered. Lunime currently hosts the Windows version of Gacha Club as a demo version and might soon roll out the full version like the one offered to Android users.

Get Gacha Club Demo version on Windows

Lunime is offering the Demo version of the Gacha Club on Windows PCs which includes customization and studio features that is present on its Android app. The demo software, however, misses out on mini-games, battle monsters, Gacha units, and more which could only be made available inside the full version.

The developer has warned users that you won’t be able to transfer accounts between the Windows and Android versions of Gacha Club, meaning simultaneous gameplay isn’t available and your game progress on both devices will be kept separately. You can download the Windows version of the game by clicking the link below:

➤ Download Gacha Club Demo version on Windows

Get Gacha Club using Bluestacks Android emulator

Gacha Club for Windows coming soon

It’s late, and everyone with an iPhone is out in the bitter cold, shambling along dark, snow-ridden streets wondering where Gacha Club is. You creep up to the homes of Android users, glowing with warmth, and peep inside. You seem them, all smiles and warmth, enjoying the slew brand new features Gacha Club has to offer. Ah, just look at those hair animations!

You jump as a figure emerges from the shadows of a side-street. He calls to you, holding out a coat. “It’s cold out.” He says. “Nobody likes the cold.”

You’re unsure of the stranger. But you’re certain you’re cold. Shivering, you accept the coat, slipping it on. “Wh-who are you?” You ask, teeth chattering, rubbing some warmth into your fingers half-frozen in the cold. In the dim light, you see the stranger’s skin has an oddly bluish tint.

He smiles, and holding out his hand, says, “The name’s Bluestacks. I’m Emulator.” He turns, starts down the side-street from whence he came. “Come, follow me. I’ll take you to meet Gacha Club.”

Your heart almost leaps out of your chest. You watch him go, stupefied, then realize with a start he’s almost made it around the block. Before you can think twice, your feet are shuffling down the sidewalk after him.

Step One: Download and Install Bluestacks

Impromptu microfictional parodies aside, getting Gacha Club on an emulator is pretty simple. Start by heading over to the homepage of the website and click download. Follow the straightforward installation instructions and run Bluestacks.

Step Two: Sign into a Google Account

You might not have an Android, but if you’re a human living in the 21st century you probably have a Gmail account. To set up your Bluestacks you’ll have to sign in to a Google account just as if it were indeed a real phone.

Step Three: Download Gacha Club

I know this all must be terribly confusing for you iPhone users, but it’s pretty simple.

Once you’re in, you should see a homepage like any other Android. Click on the Play Store icon.

Bluestacks Screenshot highlighting Play Store icon

This will open up the Play Store’s front page. At the top, use the Search Bar for ‘Gacha Club.’ You might find it below Gacha Life, considering how fresh the game is right now (July 1st).

Bluestacks Screenshot of Play Store search showing Gacha ClubYou’re almost there! Now, just click on Gacha Club and press Download. As it’s only a 100MB download, it shouldn’t take long assuming you’re not living on the slopes of a remote mountain range.

Step Four: Jump Up and Down, Squealing with Joy

Bluestacks screenshot showing homepage with Gacha Club icon highlighted

And there you go, under-appreciated iPhone user! Instead of being left out in the cold, you now have access to all of the crazy new features that those snide Android users were taking for granted! But be warned: the app isn’t well optimized for emulators, and given that the Android version is only out because it’s in unofficial early access, there’s bound to be some bugs and even the occasional crash.

Bluestacks Screenshot showing Gacha Club splash page

But who cares! The official PC version should be out by July 10th and the full iOS release by August. This should tide you over nicely.

What do you think of Gacha Club? Can it compete with Gacha Life in glitzy, chibi awesomeness?

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Will Heydecker is a writer, screenwriter and illustrator who still likes dragons. As part of his bitter war against adulthood, he likes to distill art, gaming, technology, and entertainment info into digestible topics people actually enjoy reading.