Galaxy S3 Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update coming soon

The Android 4.1.2 update for the Samsung Galaxy S3 was rumored by Sammobile to be set for a rollout some time in December, and now website has confirmed that the update is almost ready and will indeed by rolling out in the last month of this year.

As earlier reported, the Android 4.1.2 update will add the Multi Window feature found in the Galaxy Note 2 to the Galaxy S3, allowing users to multitask by displaying two apps on the screen simultaneously, in split screen mode. Other changes in Android 4.1.2 include more stability and performance over 4.1.1, and also the ability to expand and collapse notifications with one finger (by holding and dragging a notification.

Thanks to being a minor update over Android 4.1.1, I’m sure Samsung will be able to meet the December deadline for the Android 4.1.2 update, which is also expected to hit the Galaxy Note as well. We’ll be sure to let you know when the update starts rolling out.