Most Android device that fall in the mid-to-low end category don’t come equipped with a Gyroscope sensor, making augmented reality a tough challenge for these devices.
But thanks to developer Mourdraug over at xda, who is working on a Xposed module called GyroEmu that uses Accelerometer and Magnetic Field Sensor of an Android device to simulate Gyroscope output.
Here’s how GyroEmu works:
Module works by creating new Sensor instance and injecting it into SystemSensorManager sensor list after its constructor, so getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE) will return it.
Module registers then SensorEventListeners for accel and magnet sensors and does it’s calculations on accelerometers update and calls onSensorChanged of listener that uses it.
GyroEmu is still a work-in-progress project on github, you can track its developement progress over here. And if you’d like to test drive the Xposed module, you can grab GyroEmu apk from the download link below and simply install like you’d install any other Xposed module.
[icon name=”cloud-download” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Download GyroEmu (.apk)
The module isn’t perfect yet, so test/run it on your device at your own risk. Also, if you think you can help with the development of the, make sure to get in contact with developer over at his xda profile or the project’s GitHub page.
gyroemu API download and installed than what to do??
gyroemu API download and installed than what to do??
Ive done download and still my game says no gyro. What should I do
Ive done download and still my game says no gyro. What should I do
dose not work fake
dose not work fake
its really working thanks a lot!!
Anyone tried this yet?