How to Enable 4K Recording on Xperia X

For the price of a flagship, the Sony Xperia X falls short on a lot of stuff as far as its specs are considered. And if it that wasn’t enough, Sony has even disabled some features that the device could handle.

There’s a 4K recording app in the system files on Xperia X. And if you’ve root access on the device, you can enable the 4K recording app and go for shooting some pixel perfect videos of birds flying, swinging trees, babies crying, etc from your Xperia X.

Enabling 4K recording on Xperia X doesn’t take much effort, all you have to do is open the /system/vendor/overlay/ directory and DELETE the SuperVideoCamera-Enable-4K-Overlay-275-release.apk.

We know it’s ironical since the apk’s godly name acts like it enables 4K recording, but actually disabling/removing it does. Thanks to xda user AndroPlus for finding this out.

Anyway, if you need detailed instructions to do the little trick explained above, follow the guide below:

How to Enable 4K Recording on Xperia X

Root access required

  1. Download and install a file manager with root explorer (we prefer ES File explorer) on your Xperia X.
  2. Open the file explorer, enable/grant it root permissions.
  3. Go to /system/vendor/overlay/ directory, and look for the SuperVideoCamera-Enable-4K-Overlay-275-release.apk file inside the directory.
  4. Either DELETE the SuperVideoCamera-Enable-4K-Overlay-275-release.apk file OR RENAME it to something else to disable it.
  5. Reboot your Xperia X and then open the Camera app, 4K recording option should be there.

TIP: In case the 4K video recording option isn’t visible on your Xperia X camera app after rebooting, then download/install an activity launcher from Play Store (like QuickShortcutMaker) and find/add a shortcut for 4k Video using the app.

Here’s what a 4K video recorded with Xperia X looks like:
4K video record on Sony Xperia X Performance

Happy Androiding!

via xda

Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: