Following in the footsteps of Marvel Studios and Disney, DreamWorks launched the Universe of Legends, a hero collection game where “Shrek” meets “Kung Fu Panda” and dragons from “How to Train Your Dragon” and “Penguins of Madagascar” among other popular heroes and villains.

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While the game’s launch isn’t news to keen followers, what is news is its availability for pre-registration in the Google Play Store. Yes, you can now register your interest in DreamWorks’ Universe of Legends by following the link below, after which you will be notified when the game is available for download.

DreamWorks Universe of Legends pre-registration

As part of the gameplay, players will be required to unlock a new story, form an all-star team, and play with or against friends, but you will need a network connection. The game also involves features like exploring iconic DreamWorks worlds, idle gameplay, and so on.