[Download] Install Cyanogen OS 12 Apps on any Android device

Like Cyanogen OS on the OnePlus One and Yu Yureka devices? How about the latest Cyanogen OS 12 update with Android 5.0 Lollipop and material design, tempting right? Well, good news is that you can now have most of all the cool new material apps from the Cyanogen OS 12 on your Android phone.

Thanks to developer apka528 over at XDA for making a recovery flashable zip package for all of the cool Cyanogen OS apps, the zip file can be flashed to any Android device with a custom recovery installed and is running on an AOSP based ROM.

Here’s the full list of apps which are included in the zip package:

  • Boxer Email App
  • CameraNext
  • CMFileManager
  • CMWallpapers
  • GalleryNext
  • Hexo Theme from CyanogenOS 12 (activate it in the CM Theme Engine on your phone)
  • LockClock
  • MaxxAudioFX
  • NextBit
  • Truecaller (incoming in CyanogenOS 12.1, but I have it alreay here)
  • Quick Boot from Arter97 can be found here, this would cause problems, please flash this manually
  • Screencast
  • CM Theme Manager (soon)
  • Sound Recorder
  • Terminal
  • Theme Store (maybe it won’t work on many devices!)
  • Trebuchet Launcher

In case your device runs on stock manufacturer firmwares, then force closes are likely to happen if you chose to flash this zip. Also, only certain apps would work on a non-AOSP ROM so make sure you take a nandroid backup before you do anything.

[icon name=”download” class=””] Download Cyanogen OS 12 Apps zip package

Installation instructions

  1. Download and save the Cyanogen OS 12 Apps to your phone’s storage.
  2. Boot into recovery mode.
  3. Flash the downloaded Cyanogen OS 12 apps zip file.
  4. Reboot phone.
Posted by
Shivam Malani

Shivam is our resident designer and web developer who also enjoys writing. He loves to meditate, drive on the freeways and hunt for snipers during his Call Of Duty playtime. Email: shivam@theandroidsoul.com