BlackBerry’s Privacy Shade app lets users hide their screen from prying eyes

BlackBerry has released a new Android app called Privacy Shade, which allows users to add a privacy screen to their display. It is similar to a privacy screen guard, however, unlike a screen guard, you can choose what to hide on your screen.

This is a common thing that happens to everyone. You’re texting someone, or reading something and you notice a someone looking at your screen. The new BlackBerry app will stop these prying eyes from looking at your phone.

Using the app allows users to hide certain parts of the screen. For example, if you’re reading a text, you can hide the entire screen except the text input region. BlackBerry has made it easier to enable the Privacy Shade mode by integrating the toggle in Quick Settings panel.

Currently, the app is available for BlackBerry devices only. If you happen to own one, go ahead download the BlackBerry Privacy Shade app from Play Store link down below.

→ Download BlackBerry Privacy Shade app on Play Store

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