Android Market v2.2.7

Android Market v2.2.7

icon-bell-o Play Store APK Updated
Below are the most recent versions of Play Store:
[posts-by-tag tags = “google-play-apk” number = “5”]

Google is surely rolling the update for the latest android market all over the world but why not download and install ourselves rather than wait for the official update in the market. That being said, we also found that v2.2.6 was no longer the latest version, all thanks to appearance made by the v2.2.7, which promises to fix glitches on large screen phone with some performance improvement.

We’ve successfully tested it on Samsung Galaxy S.

Download the .apk file here.

Via: XDA Developers

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Kapil Malani

A die-hard Liverpool FC fan, Kapil is a big fan of Batman, Android and street Cricket. In that order, probably. Email: